Dionex (now Thermo-Fisher) Ion chromatography (IC-2000)
Umsjón / Supervision: Andri Stefánsson
Gjald fyrir notkun / Daily rates: Does not have a fixed rate
Bókun / Booking: Yes
Lýsing á tækinu / Description:
C-2000 is equipped with a conductivity cell, and features an integrated eluent generator. It is routinely used for the determination of major anions (F, Cl, SO4, CO2 as well as Phosphate). It is also used to study the speciation of sulfur in geothermal systems, as it can detect various sulfoxyanions (SO4, S2O3, and SxO6 ), and has also been set up to be used in combination with the AFS to study Arsenic speciation. The IC-2000 can be taken to the field for the analysis of time-sensitive species.