Ferðir og feltvinna / Trips and Fieldwork
- Allar ferðir út fyrir Reykjavík á vegum JH og JVD eiga að vera skráðar í skráningarform JH og skal áhættumat fylgja.
- All FES and IES field trips/excursions outside the greater Reykjavík area should be registered in our field registration form accompanied by risk assessment.

Öryggi í ferðum / Field safety
Allar ferðir út fyrir Reykjavík á vegum JH og JVD eiga að vera skráðar í skráningarform JH og skal áhættumat fylgja.
- Gera skal áhættumat fyrir allar vettvangsferðir. Þar þarf að greina hugsanlega áhættu á vettvangi og tilgreina fyrirbyggjandi aðgerðir og nauðsynlegan öryggisbúnað. Við vettvangsvinnu skal daglega fara yfir stöðu öryggismála, hugsanlegar hættur við störf dagsins metnar og fyrirbyggjandi ráðstafanir gerðar.
- Tryggja þarf að meðal þátttakenda í vettvangsferðum sé/séu starfsmaður/starfsmenn með grunnþjálfun í skyndihjálp og lágmarks skyndihjálparbúnaður.
- Ef nemendur eru með í vettvangsferðum verður að tryggja að þeir séu aldrei einir við vinnu utan alfaraleiða.
- Slys og óhöpp skal tilkynna til starfsmannasviðs HÍ. Einnig ber að tilkynna verkefnastjóra, tæknimönnum eða næsta yfirmanni um slysið eða óhappið, sem og skemmdir á útbúnaði í vettvangsferðum. Mikilvægt að fara yfir hvað fór úrskeiðis og hvernig sé hægt að koma í veg fyrir að slíkt endurtaki sig.
- Fyrir lengri ferðir og ferðir utan alfaraleiða skal skilja eftir áætlun um samskipti hjá verkefnisstjóra eða öðrum samstarfsmanni. Verkefnisstjóri eða samstarfsmaður sem sérstaklega er falið það verkefni, ber ábyrgð á því að halda sambandi við ferðahópinn og á að bregðast við ef samband rofnar eða hópur tilkynnir sig ekki á réttum tíma.
- Að vetrarlagi er óheimilt að starfsmenn fari einir í ferðir inn á hálendi eða um svæði utan vega sem allajafna er haldið opnum á vetrartíma („rauðar ferðir“). Starfsmönnum er óheimilt að fara einir í jöklaferðir á öllum tímum árs.
- Í allar ferðir út fyrir alfaraleiðir, svo sem jöklaferðir og ferðir inn á hálendi eða til fjalla séu höfð meðferðis nægilega góð fjarskiptatæki (talstöð, tetra, NMT, gervihnattasími) til að ferðamenn geti látið vita af sér.
- Heimild til að aka jeppum JH í ferðalögum er háð því að viðkomandi starfsmenn hafi kynnt sér þann búnað sem í þeim er.
- Til að fá að aka breyttum bílum JH í ferðalögum þurfa starfsmenn auk almennrar kynningar að hafa farið í gegnum kynningu á sérstökum búnaði þessara bíla (loftdæla, þrýstingur í dekkjum, driflæsingar, skriðgír, spil, blakkir, dráttartóg, loftpúðar ef það á við, GPS, o.s.frv.) hjá umsjónarmönnum bifreiða JH.
- Verkefnisstjórar bera ábyrgð á því að þeirra undirmenn og framhaldsnemar fylgi ofangreindum reglum.
- Reglurnar gilda um alla þá sem starfa við stofnunina, stunda þar nám eða hafa þar starfsaðstöðu, óháð ráðningarformi.
Öryggishópur JH/JVD 10.12.2020
All FES and IES field trips/excursions outside the greater Reykjavík area should be registered in our field safety system, accompanied by risk assessment.
- Risk assessment needs to be carried out in advance of all field activity. It needs to evaluate all possible risks/hazards and list preparatory measures and safety equipment brought in the field. During field activity, daily risk assessments should be done and acted upon.
- It is imperative that at least one participant has training in first-aid response, and that first-aid equipment is easily accessible.
- Student participants in field activity should never work or travel alone.
- Any accidents need to be reported to University of Iceland division of human resources as well as project manager at FES/IES. Damages to field equipments need to be reported. Post-field work debriefings need to be carried out to prevent similar future incidents.
- For longer field trips, glacier expeditions and all work off the beaten track field parties need to have appropriate communication equipments (radio, tetra, NMT, satellite phones) and plan for regular communication with project leader or collaborator at FES/IES. Failure to make regular contact will call for search and rescue action.
- Staff is not allowed to work alone in the highlands during winter closure of highland roads. It is strictly forbidden to enter glaciers alone at any time during the year.
- Permit to use/drive the IES jeeps is dependant on familiarity of the driver with the vehicles special equipments.
- Before usage of the modified 4x4 vehicles, the driver needs to have gone through special training by IES technicians.
- Project leaders have the responsibility to make sure staff and students follow these safety regulations
- The field safety regulations apply to all permanent staff of FES and IES, as well as students and guest scientists that participate in field activity.
IES/FES safety group 10.12.2021
Útbúnaður |
Equipment |
# |
Athugasemdir |
Notes |
Gervihnattasímar |
Satellite phones |
4 |
VHF talstöðvar |
VHF radios |
6 |
Ganga fyrir AA rafhlöðum |
Use AA batteries |
Félagabjörgunarpoki |
Companion rescue bag |
3 |
45m af 9mm línu, belti, sigtól, karabínur og brúsik bönd |
45m of 9mm rope, harness, rappel devices, carabiners |
Stakar línur |
Climbing Rope |
3 |
Reykköfunartæki |
Smoke diving gear |
2 |
Mannbroddar stærri |
Crampons larger |
4 |
Mannbroddar minni |
Crampons smaller |
3 |
Sleðahjálmar |
Snow mobile |
2 |
Bakpokagrindur |
Backpack frames |
2 |
Ætlað til að bera e-h þungt, t.d. rafgeyma |
For carrying heavy equipment |
Hjálmar |
Helmets |
10 |
Annan búnaður og verkfæri, t.d. skóflur, er hægt |
Other equipment and tools, shovels for instance, |
Jarðvísindastofnun, 14.4.2011 / MB
Öryggi á rannsóknarstofum / Lab safety
Basis: Communication from the Commission (of the European Communities) on the Guidelines on the assessment of the chemical, physical and biological agents and industrial processes considered hazardous for the safety or health of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (Council Directive 92/85/EEC).
- Full text
- In Icelandic
- Version with new amendments, including new risk phrases:
- Icelandic regulation 931/2000
Compilation of information from the above documents regarding specific risks related to chemical agents and relevant to women working in aqueous geochemistry labs of the Institute of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland. (For specific risks related to physical and biological risks, as well as an overview over all chemical risks, please consult the above documentation)
Following substances are harmful to the fetus and/or the infant and pregnant/breastfeeding women should avoid working with these compounds:
- Mercury and mercury derivatives
- Lead and lead derivatives
- Heavy metals and their derivatives
- Chemical agents of known and dangerous percutaneous absorption (i.e. absorption through the skin – mention of dermal toxicity in MSDS)
The first 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester) is the most sensitive time for any exposure to chemicals. Therefore, it is important to evaluate each work procedure and compounds to be used before allowing pregnant and/or lactating women to work with or near such chemicals. Always look at the most recent MSDS and study the H (R) statements: Substances that are labelled with any of the following hazard statements should be avoided:
New hazard categories and “H” statements (after 1.12.2010)
- germ cell mutagenicity, category 1A, 1B or 2 (H340, H341);
- carcinogenicity, category 1A, 1B or 2 (H350, H350i, H351);
- reproductive toxicity, category 1A, 1B or 2 or the additional category for effects on or via lactation (H360, H360D, H360FD, H360Fd, H360Df, H361, H361d, H361fd, H362);
- specific target organ toxicity after single exposure, category 1 or 2 (H370, H371);
Old “R” hazard statements (Classification as before 1.12.2010):
- R40: possible risk of irreversible effects (corresponds to H351)
- R45: may cause cancer (corresponds to H350)
- R46: may cause heritable genetic damage (corresponds to H340)
- R49: may cause cancer by inhalation (corresponds to H350i)
- R61: may cause harm to the unborn child (corresponds to H360D, H360FD, H360Df)
- R63: possible risk of harm to the unborn child (corresponds to H361d, H360Fd)
- R64: may cause harm to breastfed babies (corresponds to H362)
Note: Hazard statements are found in every chemical’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Important: Only use most up-to-date MSDS containing full list of H-statements and toxicological information (recommended: MSDS from Sigma-Aldrich or Merck (NOT ScienceLab)). This information can change, so it is important to keep updating the MSDS’s.
Vinnueftirlit (the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health) is responsible for this kind of issues. At the University of Iceland, the Safety Committee handles this subject and they can be contacted in case there is a need for information concerning specific chemicals.
Compiled by Nicole S. Keller, Institute of Earth Science, University of Iceland Sept. 2015