Föstudagserindi Jarðvísindastofnunar og Norræna eldfjallasetursins kl. 12:30 í Öskju (Fundarherbergi 3. hæð)


13 September at 12:30 - Yu-Han Wang (PhD student, ETH Zurich)

Title: "Unveiling Fault-Fluid Interactions with Hybrid Numerical Schemes"

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Listi yfir föstudagserindi Jarðvísindastofnunar og Norræna eldfjallasetursins.



The interactions between fluids and fault structures play a pivotal role in determining fault slip behavior. We introduce a hybrid approach that bridges the Spectral Boundary Integral Method (SBIM) and the Finite Difference Method (FDM) to solve two key problems: (i) fluid migration in fault structures and (ii) localization in the shear zone of faults. First, using the proposed hybrid method, we model the fluid injections in fault structures with anisotropic permeability. Through rigorous model verification, we solidify that, maintaining the same size of fault structures, our hybrid method can achieve a sizeable speedup of up to one thousand times compared to the stand-alone FDM. We then conduct parametric studies, varying contrast ratios of permeability between faults and bulk, to explore the validity of an assumption (zero-leak-off boundary) widely applied when modeling fluid migration in faults. Building on these foundations, the numerical framework is extended to incorporate poroelastic bulk processes. Previous research suggests that thermal pressurization drives localization while competing with dilatancy and frictional evolution. Based on these mechanisms, we highlight several distinct localization patterns in the shear zone under both isotropic and anisotropic permeabilities. Finally, we demonstrate a characteristic pore pressure in the frictional law by comparing it with the pore pressure across the shear zone.

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