Föstudagserindi 2. desember kl. 12:30


Rebecca Jackson (Postdoc, Copenhagen University, GEUS, Denmark)
"The timing and magnitude of oceanic regime shifts south of Iceland since MIS 3"

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Fundarstaður: Náttúrufræðahús, Askja - Fundarherbergi 3. hæð.  Allir velkomnir!

Listi yfir föstudagserindi Jarðvísindastofnunar og Norræna eldfjallasetursins.


Owing to its geographical position, Iceland’s marine realm and the ecosystem it supports are affected by changes in the wider North Atlantic circulation system (AMOC), such as the variable strength of the North Atlantic Current, position the subpolar gyre and polar front. Using a transect of three new marine sediment cores from south -south west Iceland, we investigate the characteristics, magnitude and timing of millennial-scale changes in sea surface and sub-surface conditions during past warm periods and across abrupt climate transitions. A combination of radiocarbon dating and detailed tephrachronology indicates that the sediment cores cover the last ca. 30 – 70 (?) ka. Within this chronological framework, we use fossil foraminiferal assemblages and geochemistry to assess shifts in the water masses present (and their properties) during glacial/interglacial regimes and across more rapid oscillations such as Dansgaard-Oeschger events.

Rebecca Jackson